Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Computer Science


The post-baccalaureate certificate in Computer Science teaches you the necessary skills needed to find your dream IT Job. It also helps you to obtain the essential requirements to apply to the MSc in Computer Science.


This program is for you if:

(a)  you are recent graduates who do not have a Computer Science degree and are interested in working in the IT industry

(b)  you wish to apply for the online master's in the computer science program at WLU and lack the required courses.


admission requirements

You must have a 3 or 4-year General or Honours bachelor's degree in any discipline except Computer Science with a minimum overall average of B, or equivalent, from an accredited university.

a fully online CERTIFICATE PROGRAM in One year


This 3.0 credit post-baccalaureate program is a fully online program, designed to be completed in one year of part-time studies. The program allows you to stay where you are, continue what you are doing, and plan to achieve your career ambitions or degree.


the skills you will learn

Upon completion of the post-baccalaureate certificate in Computer Science, you will:


The program courses

Students are advised to take two courses per term over three terms in a structured order, to ensure that they have the necessary prerequisites as they go from foundational to more advanced knowledge. This is only a recommended timeline, however, and students may take up to three years to complete the program requirements. The program courses are listed below.

CP104: Introduction to Programming

An introductory course designed to familiarize the student with modern software development techniques. Emphasis is on problem-solving and structured program design methodologies. Programming projects are implemented in a widely used high-level language.

CP164: Data Structures I

Introduction to the study of data structures and their applications. Recursion, searching, sorting. Queues, stacks, heaps. Introduction to the analysis of algorithms, big �O� notation.

CP213: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Fundamentals of object-oriented programming, classes, subclasses, inheritance, references, overloading, event-driven and concurrent programming, using modern application programming interface. The language Java will be used.

CP214: Discrete Structures for Computer Science

Finite and discrete algebraic structures relating to computers: sets, functions, relations. Machine-oriented logic. Topics include: propositional and predicate calculus, Boolean algebra, combinatorial counting (including Pigeonhole principle, permutations and combinations), recurrence equations, applications of recurrence equations in sorting algorithms, relations (including equivalence relations, partial orders), algorithms to generate permutations and combinations, induction and recursive programs, correctness proofs for both recursive and iterative program constructions, countable and uncountable sets, Cantor's theorem, introduction to graph theory and graph algorithms.

CP264: Data Structures II

A continuation of the study of data structures and their applications using C. Linked lists, binary search trees, and balanced search trees. Hashing, collision-avoidance strategies. A continuation of basic algorithm analysis.

CP312: Algorithm Design and Analysis I

Analysis of the best, average, and worse case behaviors of algorithms. Algorithmic strategies: brute force algorithms, greedy algorithms, divide-and-conquer, branch and bound, backtracking. Fundamental computing algorithms: O (n log n) sorting, hash table, binary trees, depth- and breadth-first search of graphs.



road map to success


To ensure that you have the necessary knowledge to complete the course successfully, you must take the courses in the order specified below.

Term #1

Term #2

Term #3

CP104: Introduction to Programming

CP264: Data Structures II

CP213: Intro to Object-Oriented Programming

CP164: Data Structures I

CP214: Discrete Structures for Computer Science

CP312: Algorithm Design and Analysis I

Students will complete CP104 and CP164 as six-week courses. CP164 relies on knowledge established in CP104. The remainder of the courses will be completed as regular 12-week courses which can be completed concurrently in a term.