When sending us email, here are some things to keep in mind:
Do not use MLS for email. Always use your mylaurier.ca
Always have a subject line, and start that line with "CP104:". That way we know what course you are talking about. All of us have to deal with many courses and often multiple sections per course.
Include your full name and ID number - we can't always tell from the email address who you are.
Email the course instructor if your question is about:
Email the lab instructors if your question is about:
If you email more than one of the above people, with the same question, do not send multiple separate emails - copy the same email to everyone, that way we know that we all have the same email and one of us can reply appropriately.
If you are asking "why won't my code work?", upload your complete Eclipse project to a dropbox for us to retrieve. We usually need all your code to figure out what the problem is.
Do not send screen shots or code snippets. Often the error is not where you think it is, thus the point above.
Be Polite.