Python Basics


  1. Complete reading this lesson, which involves the following:
    1. Introduction
    2. Program Structure
    3. Basic Input and Output
    4. Variables
    5. Typecasting
    6. Formatted Output

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  1. Understand the use of comments.
  2. Understand variables and datatypes.
  3. Correct basic syntax mistakes and logical errors.
  4. Write basic programs with input, processing and output.
  5. Perform typecasting between datatypes.
  6. Output formatted data for better readability.

Key Terms/Concepts

Course Introduction

We will start this lesson by running a Python program in the Eclipse IDE that you installed in the previous lesson. You do not need to understand the first program; it is just meant to familiarize you with the programming environment. After that we will briefly discuss the basic structure of a Python program.

In the next section of this lesson the input and output functionality of Python will be discussed, and we will also perform basic processing to make programs useful. Errors, variables and datatypes will be introduced, and later we will also learn about typecasting from one datatype to another and about formatted output. I hope you will find this lesson an exciting one.

We understand that we have students with a wide range of computing experience. Some of you might have a variable degree of programming experience but there are also those who will program for the first time in this course.

Program Structure

Start by copying and running the following program in Eclipse. You may not understand this program for now and that is fine. The purpose of the program is to test your Python installation and to introduce comments. Please consult Lesson 1 of the course if you need any help in running the program.

Using Comments

# Program Name: Prog 2-01
# This program is part of Lesson 02 of the programming course

quote = input("Enter your favorite quote: ")
print("Quote written in reverse:", quote[::-1])  # Prints the quote in reverse

print ("********* Program Ending *********")

This program shows the use of comments. Understanding of the code is not required at the moment.

The following shows sample output from executing the program. The quote entered by the user is underlined.

Output of Code Listing 1
Enter your favorite quote: Those who live in the past limit their future.
Quote written in reverse:  .erutuf rieht timil tsap eht ni evil ohw esohT
********* Program Ending *********


Comments are included in programs as documentation and explanations that can help you or someone else who is reading the code to understand the logic used. When you start writing complex programs, you will like to read your own comments when you go back to your code after a few months.

The first two lines of Code Listing 1 are comments. Every comment starts with a pound symbol (#). This symbol tells the Python Interpreter that any text written after the # is part of a comment and is ignored during execution. There is also a comment on line 5. This comment follows executable code.

Empty lines are ignored by the Python interpreter. All other lines are treated as code and the Python interpreter attempts to execute them.

Anyone reading this code can see the comments and know that the program name is Prog 2-01 and it is part of the second lesson. The comment on line 5 tells us that this line of code implements the functionality to reverse and then print a quote. (You do not need to know how it does so.) We discuss string processing in detail in a later Lesson.

Input – Processing – Output

Lines of codes or statements in a computer program can be broadly categorized into three categories:

Input statements get data from an external source, and pass it on to the program for processing. This input can come from a variety of sources like keyboard, mouse, a computer file, or sensor etc. In this course we use the keyboard and computer files for input.

Processing Statements are a major part of a computer program. They implement the logic that processes input and turns it into useful information.

output statements display information on the screen, or print some data on a printer, or store data on a computer file, etc. In this course we output textual data on the console (computer screen) and also store (output) it in computer files.

Figure 1 shows the relationship between the three categories of statements.

Data Processing
Input statements are used to take data from the user. Processing statements are used to perform calculations and data manipulation. The resulting data is displayed to the user through the output statements.

Data is taken from the user and after processing it is displayed through the output statements.

Created by Muhammad Muddassir Malik. Used with permission.


An Algorithm is a list of well-defined computer instructions used to solve a problem. A non-technical example of an algorithm can be a cooking recipe or the directions given in a textual format by Google Maps. A recipe, for example, provides a step by step guide to prepare a dish and includes precise details like cooking time and measurements of each ingredient.

Similarly, a list of statements that implement an algorithm using a programming language like Python is called a computer program or source code or just code. Page Rank is an example of a computer algorithm. It is used by Google to order webpages.

Input / Output

We look at basic statements to perform input and output in this section. In a later section we revisit input and output to see some advanced examples.


input is a built-in Python function that prompts a user to enter a value. The following is a simple program that demonstrates the use of the input statement by accepting three inputs from a user. It asks the user to enter a first name, current semester and year from a keyboard. After executing the three input statements, the program does not perform any other processing or any output.


firstname = input("Enter your name: ")
term = input("Enter term (Fall/Winter/Spring): ")
year = input("Enter year: ")

Let us dissect line 1 of this program:

A user defined variable. We use variables to hold data that we can reuse in our program by writing the exact variable name. All variable names are case sensitive. Any data that the user will enter in response to the execution of line 4 will be assigned to this variable. More details about variable names will be presented in a later section of lesson 2.
The assignment operator. The code on the right of the assignment operator is executed and the result is assigned to the variable on the left. In this particular case the user input will be assigned to the variable firstname.
input ("Enter your name: ")
input is the name of a built in function in python. A built-in function provides a basic functionality that we can use in our programs. For example, taking input from the user is a common task that is required in a lot of computer programs. So the code that is needed to take input from the user has been programmed and stored in a function called input.
This function is available as part of the Python programming language. Any programmer who needs to take input from the user does not have to implement this functionality again. The programmer can simply call the input function. In line 4 the input function accepts input from the user and after the user has entered the data, that data is assigned to the programmer specified variable firstname.

Every function has a distinct name, and to execute it that name is followed by a pair of parentheses. "Enter your name: "is a string literal provided to the function as an argument. A function may or may not have arguments. We will discuss Python functions in detail in a later section. For now we only need to understand that input is a function name which displays the user provided string without the double quotes (in this case: Enter your name: ) and halts the execution of the program for wait for input from the user. Once the user has entered some data it is assigned to the programmer specified variable.

The following shows a sample run of this program.

Sample Execution
Enter your name: Harris
Enter term (Fall/Winter/Spring): Fall
Enter year: 

The example shows that the user has provided input for the first two input statements. The name "Harris" is assigned to the variable firstname and "Fall" is assigned to the variable term. Quotes are used around Harris and Fall (in the description above) to denote that they are string literals. The input function always reads data from the console as text. This textual data is called string in Python.

The user has not entered anything for the third call to the input function. The Python interpreter is waiting for the user to type some text and press the return key to continue the program.


There is a built-in function to output data on the console as well. The name of the function is print. As required, the function name is always followed by a set of parentheses and the data to be displayed is put inside the parentheses. Calling print with empty parentheses outputs an empty line. Let's look at some code to understand output statements:

Simple Printing

firstname = input("Enter your name: ")
term = input("Enter term (Fall/Winter/Spring): ")
year = input("Enter year: ")

print("**** Starting to Print ****")
print(term, "term in", year)

This program takes input from the user then outputs it without any further processing.

Lines 1 to 3 are the same as in Code Listing 1. We are taking input in these lines and assigning the user entered values to the programmer specified variables.

Lines 5 to 8 are output statements. The calls to the print function perform output to the console but do not generate anything that can be stored in variables. This is why there is no assignment operator (=) in these output statements. (The result of a print cannot be usefully stored in a variable in any case.)

Line 5
Prints the text: **** Starting to Print ****. Note that the double quotes at the start and at the end of the text are not printed. They are included to let Python know that it is a string. Anything inside a pair of single quotes, a pair of double quotes or a pair of triple (explained later) quotes is considered a string literal. This string is printed to the console exactly as is.
Line 6
Outputs an empty line to the console. It can be useful to structure your output so that it is easier to read for the user.
Line 7
In line 10 the value assigned to the variable firstname is displayed. As we are using a variable name as an argument to the print function we do not use any quotes. We simple state the variable name. The contents of variable, rather than its name, are printed on the console.
Line 8
We can use a single call to a print function to display multiple elements. The elements are separated from each other using a comma. In this case we are displaying:
  1. the string assigned to the variable term
  2. the text term inis printed as is. Note that we used double quotes in this case. We can used either single quotes or double quotes when printing string literals
  3. the string assigned to the variable year
Sample Execution
Enter your name: Maria
Enter term (Fall/Winter/Spring): Spring
Enter year: 2023
**** Starting to Print ****

Spring term in 2023

Let us include some processing statements to the input and output statements. The program below calculates a total salary and the difference of salaries for the months of June and July:

Salary Calculation

employee_id = input("Enter Employee ID: ")
june_salary = 1500
july_salary = 1300.75
total = june_salary + july_salary
difference = july_salary - june_salary
print("Salary Information for", employee_id)
print("Total:", total, "and difference:", difference)

Shows input, processing and output in a single program. The total and difference of salaries is calculated and displayed to the user.

Line 1
Program takes and employee ID as input from the user and assigns it to the variable employee_id. As is the case for all the user input taken using the input function, the data is read as a string.
Lines 2 to 3
Salaries for June and July are assigned to the variables june_salary and july_salary. These salaries are not being entered by the user but instead they are hard coded into the program. The values for salaries are not inside single quote or double quotes, which means they are numbers and not strings. A statement like the following would have turned 1500 into a string:
june_salary = "1500"
More details about numbers, strings and typecasting are discussed in a later section of this Lesson.
Lines 4 to 5
These are processing statements of this program. We perform mathematical operations for finding the total of and difference between the salaries of June and July. The total is assigned to the variable total and the difference to the variable difference.
Line 6
Two strings are displayed in this statement. One string is Salary Information for while the other string is the user entered employee ID. They are printed in a single line of output.
Line 7
Four pieces of information are printed in this line of code. Two strings and two numbers are displayed. The two numbers were earlier calculated using mathematical operations of addition and subtraction. Each piece of information is separated using a comma.
Sample Execution
Enter Employee ID: 12345
Salary Information for 12345
Total: 2800.75 and difference: -199.25


Errors and bugs are a common occurrence for programmers. As you start writing code you will realize that you run into errors quite often. This is absolutely fine. Experienced programmers also produce bugs frequently, and it is part and parcel of being a programmer.

Debugging is the process of finding bugs in your programs and sorting them out. Whenever an error occurs in your program and you use messages produced by Python Interpreter to track the error and fix it, you are practicing bug fixing. Initially it takea time, DO NOT be disheartened, it is supposed to take time in the start. Finding a bug is part of the learning process. You can only be good at programming if you remain resilient and patient while dealing with bugs.

There are two kinds of errors.

Syntax Errors

These are the language mistakes made by a programmer while writing code in a programming language like Python. It is similar to making a spelling error or a typo in text that you write. The good thing about these errors is that the Python Interpreter is going to help you and provide useful messages to track and sort out these errors.

Table 1 provides examples of the some common syntax errors:

Common Syntax Errors
Code Python Error Message Description
NameError: name 'Print' is not defined
Python warns us that the name 'Print' is not defined. The function name is actually print (with a lower-case p).
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal
EOL stands for End of Line. It seems that we started a string with double quotes but there are no double quotes to end a string. Any string that is started must end too with quotes.
                june_salary = 1500
NameError: name 'salary_june' is not defined
The 2nd line of code has a print statement and salary_june is written without any quotes. It means it should be a valid variable name but the actual name that is used in the program is june_salary
sal1 = "1500"
sal2 = 1300
total = sal1 + sal2

    total = sal1 + sal2
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str
Python complained that on line 3 you are trying to add a string and a number. It seems that the bug exists on line 1 where we have used quotes to make 1500 a string rather than keeping it as a number. There should be no quotes around 1500.
sal1 = 1300
print("salary" sal1)

    print("salary" sal1)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax. Perhaps you forgot a comma?
Python hints strongly that we did not add a comma after the string "salary" to separate it from the variable sal1.

Logic Errors

For logic errors you are on your own without any help from the Interpreter. Python will not detect or complain about logical errors, it will execute the program fine and produce the output but that output will be incorrect. Logical error means that the algorithm that is used in the program is wrong. Let's understand it with a simple example. Prog 2-05 in Code Listing 5 shows code for calculating average of three quizzes.

A Logic Error

score_quiz1 = 4
score_quiz2 = 8
score_quiz3 = 6
total = score_quiz1 + score_quiz2 + score_quiz3
average = total / 2

print("Average of three quizzes is", average)

A logic error while calculating average of three values.

Lines 1 to 3 assign marks to variables for each of three quizzes. Note that the quiz marks are entered without any quotes around the data. That means they are numbers and not strings and therefore mathematical operations can be performed on them.

Line 5 computes the sum of the three quizzes and assigns the result to the variable total. Line 6 computes the average but rather than dividing total by 3, the programmer made a logical error and divided the sum by 2. Python executes the code successfully and assign the result to the variable average but the result is incorrect. We end up with an average of 9.0 rather than 3.0.


You have already used variables. Variables are a key component of programming. A programmer can assign a value to a variable and then that value can be retrieved and used anywhere in the code using the variable name. Values assigned to a variable can be updated in the program and the latest value is always accessible through the same variable name. This assists programmers to write generic and modular programs that can be used with a range of input data.

Users have the freedom to name the variables but certain rules apply. Python enforced rules must be followed or else we can end up with a syntax error. There are also some guidelines of good programming practice that are highly recommended. Let's first look at the Python enforced rules for naming variables.

Some valid variable names can be: first_name, _firstname5, _first_21name, _Firstname, Firstname1_

Note - Python reserved keywords are listed below. Do not use them as variable names.

and as assert break class continue
def del elif else except exec
finally for from global if import
in is lambda not or pass
print raise return try while with


A constant is a named value that does not change, or at least does not change while a program is executing. Named constants make programs and functions easier to read and write. Mathematical values such as pi and e are constants, physical values such as c (the speed of light in a vacuum), and the acceleration due to gravity close to the earth (\(9.8 {m/s}^2\)) are also constants. Values such as sales tax percentages can be treated as constants while a program is executing, but constants such as these may have to be updated between program executions if the sales tax is changed by the government.

Unlike many other programming languages, Python does not have a true constant. You can, however, simulate a constant through coding standards. Use all capitals for its name (you may still use numbers and underscore) in order to make the name stand out. (This is the Laurier Way.) NEVER CHANGE THE VALUE OF THIS CONSTANT.

Define constants at the beginning of a module. (i.e. define the constant before any executable code.) In order to be visible a constant must either be defined in the same module in which it is used, or imported into the module in which it is to be used. (Importing is discussed later.)

In the following example, the constant GRAVITY_ACCEL is defined in the module

A Physical Constant
According to Newton's Law the force of gravity for objects
near the earth is mass times acceleration. Acceleration due
to gravity (for the earth) is 9.8 m/s^2.
# Constants
GRAVITY_ACCEL = 9.8   # m/s^2

# Inputs
mass = float(input("Enter mass (kg): "))
time = int(input("Time falling (s): "))

# Calculations
force_calc = GRAVITY_ACCEL * mass
final_velocity = GRAVITY_ACCEL * time

# Outputs
print(f"Force: {force_calc:.2f} kg m/s^2")
print(f"Final velocity: {final_velocity:.2f}")


In this example the constant GRAVITY_ACCEL is used in two different calculations. Good naming makes the code more readable, and defining the value in only one place makes it easier to change the calculations - in this case, for example, to add more decimals of accuracy to the value.

All of these previous example constants refer to real-world properties that can be 'named'. What about values that are more difficult to name? For example, conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit involves the formula:
fahrenheit = 9 / 5 * celsius + 32
The value 32 is the Fahrenheit freezing point of water, and could be given a name - for example, FAHRENHEIT_FREEZING. However, the ratio 9/5 is just a mathematical ratio. That's fine - we can give it a name that makes it clear it is a ratio:

Calculated Constant
# Constants
F_C_RATIO = 9 / 5    # Fahrenheit to celsius ratio

fahrenheit = F_C_RATIO * celsius + FAHRENHEIT_FREEZING


Note the use of an in-line comment to make the meaning of the constant clearer. Further, you do not have to actually calculate the ratio - simply state it and let Python calculate it for you.

What about inconstant constants? i.e. can values that do not arise from fundamental properties of the universe be treated as constants? If these values change only rarely, and never during a particular program run, yes. Tax rates, for example, even though they do change upon occasion (particularly when a government is looking for votes), are unchanged long enough to be treated as constants for most programs. When a tax change is announced, then the program must be updated to match.

# Constants
HST = 13 / 100  # Harmonized Sales Tax % in Ontario

price = float(input("Enter price: $"))
total = price + price * HST
print(f"Total cost: ${total:.2f}")


Again, the use of a common acronym for a constant makes this program more readable and easier to update.

The Constant Checklist

When using constants, make sure you've done the following:
Used a meaningful, easily readable name. Constants named with single letters such as X and Y are rarely good names, except perhaps in certain formulas. Add an in-line comment to the constant definition if it helps.
Write the constant name in all UPPER CASE. Conversely, make sure that all other variables used in the program are entirely in lower case. Separate words with an underscore (_).
Assign values to a constant once and only once at the top of a module. All constants should be grouped together. Put the comment
# Constants
at the top of the module, after the documentation and imports. Never change the value of a constant anywhere in the body of the code. Never ask the user for the value of a constant - if you do, it's clearly not constant!

Data Types

Variables that we declare are assigned a value. This value can be of different types. In this section we discuss strings and numbers.


The Python name for the string datatype is str. Strings are composed of one or more characters defined between quotes. A character can be a letter in the alphabet, a digit, a symbol, or a combination of these. Strings can be indicated in Python by enclosing a value in single quotes, double quotes, or triple quotes. The following program demonstrates some examples of using strings:

String Examples

my_university = "Wilfrid Laurier University"
date_established = "1960"
former_name = 'Waterloo Lutheran University (1960-73)'

brief_history = '''Wilfrid Laurier University (commonly referred 
to as WLU or simply Laurier) is a public university in Waterloo, 
Ontario, Canada. Laurier has a second campus in Brantford, 
Ontario, and recently has opened a third campus in Milton.

print(my_university, date_established, '[', former_name, ']')
print("Brief History")

Line 1
Assigns the string Wilfrid Laurier University to the variable my_university. We know the datatype of the variable my_university is str because the value assigned to this variable is between double quotes. The value consists of letters in the alphabet and spaces.
Line 2
Assigns a string 1960 to the variable date_established. 1960 looks like a number, but note that it is inside two single quotes. Therefore, Python treats it as text and therefore the datatype of the variable is str. You cannot apply mathematical operations to this variable.
Line 3
Assigns a string to the variable former_name. Again single quotes are used to specify str datatype, but this string contains a combination of letters in the alphabet, symbols, spaces, and digits.
Line 5
A paragraph is assigned to the variable brief_history. As it is long string and we want to break it into multiple lines, we used triple quotes to enclose all the text. Triple quotes allow us to write multiline strings. Note that triple quotes may consist of matching pairs of either three single quotes (''') or of three double quotes (""").
Line 11
Outputs five strings on a single line of the console. The first two and the fourth elements are variable names. The values assigned to those variables are replaced with the variable names when printing. A starting and a closing square brackets are directly entered as strings literals.
Line 12 and 13
Displays two string literals on the console.
Line 14
The paragraph assigned to brief_history is displayed on the console. Line structure is maintained while printing.

Escape Character

We now know that to create strings we can use single, double, and triple quotes. But what if we want to make quotes part of the string? For example, consider the following sentences:

  1. This is Mary's car
  2. To David's question she answered 'We are expecting rain today'.

When we have situations like the above, we can either alternate the use of single, double or triple quotes or take advantage of the escape character. The backslash '\' is an escape character that we can use inside strings. An escape character changes the meaning of the character appearing immediately afterwards. See:

Using Quotes

print("This is Mary's car")
print('This is Mary\'s car')
print('''To David's question she answered "We are expecting rain today".''')
print("To David's question she answered \"We are expecting rain today\".")
print('This is a single backslash \\ in a string.')

Line 1
String is specified using double quotes, therefore we can use single quotes inside the string without accidently ending the string with its use.
Line 2
String is specified using single quotes but we used an escape character to print a single quote as part of the string. Backslash will not be printed. \' results in printing a single because \ is the escape character.
Line 3
We used triple quotes to  specify a string and therefore we can use single quotes and double quotes inside the string.
Line 4
Escape character is used to print double quotes.
Line 5
We wanted to print a single backslash as part of the string. As it is an escape character we need to type two backslashes to print one.
Sample Execution
This is Mary's car
This is Mary's car
To David's question she answered "We are expecting rain today".
To David's question she answered "We are expecting rain today".
This is a single backslash \ in a string.

Escape character can be used for string formatting as well. Some common escape sequences follow:

Commonly Used Escape Sequences
Escape Sequence Explanation
\\ Prints a single backslash
\n Line feed. Starts a new line
\t Horizontal tab. Skips one tab in the current line

The following program demonstrates the use of these escape sequences:

Using Escape Sequences

print("Total Price:\t$15")
print("Printing on line 2\nand\nprinting on line 4")

Line 1
Inserts a tab before printing the price.
Line 2
The string is printed in three lines on the console. A new line starts whenever \n appears inside a string.
Sample Execution
Total Price:    $15
Printing on line 2
printing on line 4


Numbers can be Integers or Floating Point Numbers. The Python name for Integers is int and for floating point numbers is float. Ints are whole numbers without a decimal point. Floats have a decimal point. We can apply mathematical operations to ints as well as floats.

Every variable has a datatype. We know when we use quotes the variable stores a string. When a whole number is specified, the variable stores an integer, and when a  decimal point is used in a value, the variable stores a float.

Statement Datatypes
Code Datatype Python Name
cash_available = 9 Integer int
cash_available = 9.5 Floating Point float
cash_available = 9.0 Floating Point float
cash_available = '9' String str

When we perform mathematical operations the result is assigned to a variable, and the datatype of that variable is decided based on the type of operation and the datatype of the operands. (Note: ** is used in Python for multiplication.)

Operation Datatypes
Operand 1 Operator Operand 2 Example Result Result Datatype
int +,-,* int result = 5 + 6 11 int
+,-,* float
result = 5 - 6.0 -1.0 float
float +,-,* float
                operand1 = 5.6
operand2 = 6.17
result = operand1 * operand2
34.552 float
int / int result = 5 / 1 5.0 float
int // int result = 10 // 3 3 int
float // int result = 10.4 // 3 3.0 float
float / float result = 6.7 / 8.1 0.8271604938271605 float
/ int
                operand1 = 5.6
operand2 = 6
result = operand1 / operand2
0.9333333333333332 float

In short the result is always float if any of the operands is float or if non-integer division is being computed. The result is int only when both the operands are int and the operation is either addition, subtraction, multiplication or integer division //

Before we continue, we need to know about another built-in function that returns the datatype of a given variable. type is the built-in function and it requires a variable argument. The function returns the datatype of the variable. The following program shows an example of mathematical operations and prints the datatypes of various variables:


op1 = 5
op2 = 2
result = op1 + op2

print("Operation\t op1 type\t op2 type\t\t result type")
print("Addition\t", type(op1), "\t", type(op2), "\t\t", type(result))

op1 = 5
op2 = 2.1
result = op1 + op2
print("Addition\t", type(op1), "\t", type(op2), "\t", type(result))

op1 = 5
op2 = 2
result = op1 / op2
print("Division\t", type(op1), "\t", type(op2), "\t\t", type(result))

op1 = 5
op2 = 2
result = op1 * op2
print("Multiplication\t", type(op1), "\t", type(op2), "\t\t", type(result))

We encourage you to extend the program and experiment with different variations of operands and operations. It will help you understand how Python assigns datatypes as a result of mathematical operations.

Using Comments
Operation        op1 type        op2 type            result type
Addition         <class 'int'>   <class 'int'>       <class 'int'>
Addition         <class 'int'>   <class 'float'>     <class 'float'>
Division         <class 'int'>   <class 'int'>       <class 'float'>
Multiplication   <class 'int'>   <class 'int'>       <class 'int'>

The tab escape sequence \t structures the output into a table. It is much easier to scan the data and understand it. Note that on line 11 uses a single \t as the fifth argument whereas for all the rest of the print statements it was \t\t. Change the code and experiment to understand why did we do it.


In type casting we convert a value from one datatype to another datatype. You must take care when performing type casting, as it is error prone and it may also result in loss of precision. We can convert each of the three datatypes we looked at (integer, float, and string) into any of the other datatypes given it is permissible depending upon the value.

We have built-in functions to perform type casting. The int() function converts string or a float into an int. A string must consist of only digits to be successfully converted into an integer. An error occurs if the string contains anything other than digits.

For example, '900' can be converted into an integer, but '90.2' or '9A' cannot. Typecasting a float into an integer drops the decimal portion. For example, if we typecast 9.9 to an integer it becomes 9 after conversion.

The float() function converts strings or integers into a float. In this case a string must consist of only digits and an optional period. Period is optional though. An integer converted into a float simple has .0 added to its end.

Anything can be converted to a string by the function str().

The following table shows examples of typecasting:

Typecasting Examples
Typecasting Code Result
String to Integer int("9") 9
String to Integer int("9.0") Error
String to Integer int("9A") Error
Float to Integer int(9.0) 9
Float to Integer int(9.99) 9
String to Float float("9") 9.0
String to Float float("9.2") 9.2
String to Float float("9.2[data]") Error
Integer to Float float(9) 9.0
Integer to String str(9) "9"
Float to String str(9.99) "9.99"
String to String str("99.9 unchanged") "99.9 unchanged"

We return back to the problem we mentioned earlier that the input function always returns a string. If we want the data read from the user as an integer or a float we must convert it into an appropriate datatype so we can perform mathematical operations on the data.  The following code converts user input into int and float. An error occurs if the user enters incompatible data.

Converting Input
test_integer = int(input("Enter a whole number: "))
test_float = float(input("Enter a floating point number: "))


The standard rules of precedence apply when these lines of code are executed. The expression on the right of the assignment operator is executed first and the final result is assigned to the variable on the left. On the right side of the assignment operator, whatever is inside the brackets is executed first. Thus the input function is executed first and the string it gets from the user is passed to the surrounding int() or float which perform the appropriate conversions.

The following code shows sample input statements and conversions. You are encouraged to run the program with different inputs, but for the sake of practice predict the output before seeing the output generated by the program.

Converting Input

test_string = input("Enter a string: ")
test_float = float(input("Enter a floating point number: "))
test_integer = int(input("Enter a whole number: "))

test_var = int(test_string)
print("[String->Int]\tResult is", test_var, "with datatype", type(test_var))
test_var = int(test_float)
print("[Float->Int]\tResult is", test_var, "with datatype", type(test_var))
test_var = float(test_string)
print("[String->Float]\tResult is", test_var, "with datatype", type(test_var))
test_var = float(test_integer)
print("[Int->Float]\tResult is", test_var, "with datatype", type(test_var))
test_var = str(test_integer)
print("[Int->String]\tResult is", test_var, "with datatype", type(test_var))
test_var = str(test_float)
print("[float->String]\tResult is", test_var, "with datatype", type(test_var))

Sample program results:

Sample Execution
Enter a string: 4500
Enter a floating point number: -9
Enter a whole number: 4
[String->Int]   Result is 4500 with datatype <class 'int'>
[Float->Int]    Result is -9 with datatype <class 'int'>
[String->Float] Result is 4500.0 with datatype <class 'float'>
[Int->Float]    Result is 4.0 with datatype <class 'float'>
[Int->String]   Result is 4 with datatype <class 'str'>
[float->String] Result is -9.0 with datatype <class 'str'>

Formatted Output

Formatted output is a powerful tool to customize output. This allows the programmers to present the data to the user in the most effective and readable manner. Formatted output separates the data from the string and therefore makes is easier to manage.

Python has three methods to define formatted strings, but we are only going to use and demonstrate one: f-string formatting or formatted string literals. This is a Python string enclosed in a pair of single quotes, double quotes, or triple quotes preceded by the character "f". This string may contain literals, values enclosed in brace brackets ({}), and (optionally) formatting codes within the brace brackets.

f-string Example

item = "apples"
bought = 3
cost = 2.5
total = bought * cost
# f-string method
print(f"{bought:d} {item} at ${cost:.2f} each cost ${total:.2f}")

which produces:

Sample Execution
3 apples at $2.50 each cost $7.50

The formatted print statement consists of a single string with string literals and four format fields. These fields:

prints the contents of bought as an integer. d is the Python format code for int.
prints the contents of item. If no formatting code is provided, Python prints the variable value as given. This format could have been written as {item:s}, where s is the Python format code for str, but it isn't necessary in this case
prints the contents of cost as a float with 2 decimal places, where f is the Python format code for float.
Similar to the example above.

See: Python 3's f-Strings: An Improved String Formatting Syntax.

As we have seen in the above example, the formatting is achieved through format fields. A format field consists of {variable[:optional_format_specification]}, which tells the print function to output the variable value in format defined by the optional_format_specification, if defined. If the optional_format_specification part is omitted, it outputs the variable by its default default.

Let's discuss some examples of the code that we can put the format specifications inside the curly brackets to format the variables. The following are some sample formatting fields and their descriptions:

Format Fields and Descriptions
Format Description
{:,f} f - the data is printed as float
, - commas are be placed in the number (separating groups of three digits) to enhance readability
Floating point numbers are right justified by default.
{:.2f} .2 - two digits are displayed after the decimal point. Digits beyond two are be rounded off. If there are fewer than two digits in the number, 0's are appended after the decimal point.
{:,.1f} A float with one digit after the decimal point is displayed and commas are placed in the number.
{:,d} d - An integer is printed with commas placed. Integers are right justified by default.
{:10,d} 10 - 10 characters are reserved for displaying the integer. Extra spaces are left blank for integers with fewer than 10 digits. In case of more digits the number is not truncated, extra space characters are used to accommodate the number.
{:8,.1f} a float is displayed with one digit after the decimal point and commas separators are used. The entire number (digits, commas, and decimal) is printed with a width of 8 characters.
{:06d} Integer are printed with 6 characters reserved for display. Empty space on the left of the number is filled by 0s.

Some formatting examples:

f-string Formatting Examples

long_float = 78921.9876
long_int = 12345
print(f"{{long_float:,f}} = {long_float:,f}")
print(f"{{long_float:.2f}} = {long_float:.2f}")
print(f"{{long_float:,.2f}} = {long_float:,.2f}")
print(f"{{long_float:,.1f}} = {long_float:,.1f}")
print(f"{{long_int:,d}} = {long_int:,d}")
print(f"{{long_int:10,d}} = {long_int:10,d}")
print(f"{{long_int:010,d}} = {long_int:010,d}")

Note: brace brackets ({ and }) can be printed within an f-string by using double brace-brackets ({{ and }}) as demonstrated in the sample execution:

Sample Execution
{long_float:,f} = 78,921.987600
{long_float:.2f} = 78921.99
{long_float:,.2f} = 78,921.99
{long_float:,.1f} = 78,922.0
{long_int:,d} = 12,345
{long_int:10,d} =     12,345
{long_int:010,d} = 00,012,345

Using a consistent format width and number of decimals makes it easy to print a table. Add spaces after titles to make things line up, as in this example:

Printing Columns

breakfast = 10.95
lunch = 23
dinner = 125.21
print("Meal       Price")
print(f"Breakfast {breakfast:7.2f}")
print(f"Lunch     {lunch:7.2f}")
print(f"Dinner    {dinner:7.2f}")

Sample Execution
Meal       Price
Breakfast   10.95
Lunch       23.00
Dinner     125.21

In the last example we use the % symbol to print percentages:

Printing Percents

score = 0.819
print(f"{{score:.0%}} : {score:.0%}")
print(f"{{score:.2%}} : {score:.2%}")
print(f"{{score:4.0%}}: {score:4.1%}")

Sample Execution
{score:.0%} : 82%
{score:.2%} : 81.90%
{score:4.0%}: 81.9%


In this lesson, we learnt how we can combine input, output, and processing statements to make basic programs. We practiced input typecasting and formatted output to make our programs dynamic and more useful.

In this week’s assessments, you learnt more about formatted output and also get a chance to practice. The exercise will reinforce the concepts covered in this lesson and in the textbook. In the next lesson you will learn more about mathematical operations, problem solving and Python’s math lesson.

We hope you are ready to attempt this week’s quiz and exercise. They are available on MyLearningSpace. Consult the syllabus for clarity about the deadlines for preparation activities, quizzes, and exercises/assignments. Please regularly visit the MyLearningSpace for announcements, course material and discussion boards.


  1. John Sturtz, A Guide to the Newer Python String Format Techniques.