Lesson 11: The Linked Priority Queue


  1. The linked Priority Queue implementation
  2. Traverse linked data structures
  3. Inserting nodes into linked data structures

Required Tasks

  1. Read this lesson.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  1. Define a linked Queue.
  2. Traverse a linked data structure.
  3. Insert nodes into linked data structures


In this Lesson, we discuss in detail the linked Priority Queue data structure and more approaches to manipulating linked data structure nodes.

Linked Thinking

The Linked Priority Queue Implementation

Becoming familiar with linked data structures can be difficult. This document takes you through the implementation of the Priority Queue insertion method as an example of how to think about a linked data structure.

Unlike the array-based Priority Queue, the linked Priority Queue stores its values in priority order. Keeping track of the node with the highest priority value as was done in the array-based Priority Queue does not work well in the linked Priority Queue, because what we would really need to track is the node previous to the node with the highest priority value in order to be able to remove that node and update the links properly. Storing the values in priority order means that the node with the highest priority is always at the front, and therefore easily removed, just like in the linked Queue. However, this means that inserting a new value into a linked Priority Queue means that we must insert it into the correct sorted position in the linked list. To insert a new node, then, we must first determine where it goes, then connect that new node with two other nodes - the preceding node, and the node that follows.

The _PQ_Node Class

This a simple singly-linked list node that we have seen many times.

The _PQ_Node Class
class _PQ_Node:

    def __init__(self, value, _next):
        Initializes a Priority Queue node that contains a copy of value
        and a link to the next node in the Priority Queue
        Use: node = _PQ_Node(value, _next)
            value - value value for node (?)
            _next - another Priority Queue node (_PQ_Node)
            a new Priority_Queue object (_PQ_Node)
        self._value = copy.deepcopy(value)
        self._next = _next


The Priority_Queue Class

The __init__ Method

The Priority_Queue class constructor is also quite simple and very similar to the linked Queue class definition:

The _PQ_Node Class
class Priority_Queue:

    def __init__(self):
        Initializes an empty Priority Queue.
        Use: pq = Priority_Queue()
            a new Priority_Queue object (Priority_Queue)
        self._front = None
        self._rear = None
        self._count = 0


The attributes in the Priority Queue class constructor should be familiar:

a private link to the first node in the Priority Queue linked data structure. It is initialized to None as the Priority Queue starts out with no data.
a private link to the last node in the Priority Queue linked data structure. It is initialized to None as the Priority Queue starts out with no data.
the number of nodes in the Priority Queue linked data structure. This is initialized to 0.

When we work with a linked Priority Queue these are the only attributes available to us. The _front attribute is key to our manipulation of the linked data structure in the priority queue. _front tells us where the Priority Queue data is stored and how it is arranged.

Defining the insert method deserves a section of its own, and is covered next.

The Priority Queue insert

Inserting a Value into a Priority Queue

The Priority Queue insertion method (insert) adds one data element (value) to the Priority Queue. It must place value in the proper spot in the linked data structure. The data structure is ordered from highest priority to lowest priority, and by order of insertion within priority (i.e. insertion is stable).

The first step is writing insert is to clearly understand its purpose and parameters. The method comments and skeleton are:

    def insert(self, value):
        A copy of value is inserted into the Priority Queue.
        Values are stored in priority order.
        Use: pq.insert(value)
            value - a data element (?)


We now know: we have to work with a Priority Queue; a single piece of data; and the method does not have to return anything. Thus all changes to the Priority Queue are done internally.

We don't have to detail the insertion process in order to understand what a typical Priority Queue linked data structure looks like. We know that in the linked version the Priority Queue stores its data in priority order. In a simple example, we have the integer values, 1, 3, 5, and 7, stored in the Priority Queue. The smaller the value the higher the priority. The resulting linked data structure can be shown like this:

A Simple Linked Priority Queue

Finding the Insertion Position

Given a new value we have to insert it into its proper position in the linked data structure. Depending on the priority of the data its new node could be at the front, rear, or interior of the linked data structure. We may (or may not) have to deal with each of these situations separately.

Assume for a moment then that we wish to insert the value 6 into the typical list above. This new node must go in between and be linked to the nodes containing 5 and 7.

To insert this new node, then, we must do the following:

Figure 2 shows how we can traverse the linked structure to find where the new node should go. This is similar to the linked traversal discussed earlier, but with the addition of an extra link, prev to be discussed shortly:

Finding the Insertion Position

Each of these steps can be dealt with separately. First, we must find where to put the new node. In general, a new value may end up as the only node in the Priority Queue, it may end up at the beginning of the Priority Queue, it may end up at the end of the Priority Queue, or it may end up elsewhere in the Priority Queue. In general, if one of the data structure links (in this case, _front or _rear) have to be updated, it is a special case. Dealing with the special cases first (only, first, or last node) usually involves simpler code than the code necessary to place a new node in the middle of a Priority Queue. Given that, we start with the special cases.

An Empty Priority Queue

The Priority Queue is Empty
if self._front is None:
    node = _PQ_Node(value, None)
    self._front = node
    self._rear = node
    self._count += 1


The Priority Queue is empty when self._front is None, self._rear is None, or self._count is zero. Pick one of these approaches and use it consistently. In this example we see if self._front is None. We end up with a new node pointed to by both the front and rear links. Checking for an empty Priority Queue is normally done first because that gets rid of any worries in the rest of the cases as to whether there are nodes in the Priority Queue.

Case: New Value Has Highest Priority

Our new value has a higher priority than any other value in the Priority Queue, and thus must be added to the front of the Priority Queue.

Value Added to Front of a Priority Queue
elif value < self._front._value:
    self._front = _PQ_Node(value, self._front)
    self._count += 1


We know that there is at least one value in the Priority Queue, so we are safe to compare our new value against the value at the front of the Priority Queue. The new node created becomes the new first node of the Priority Queue.

Case: New Value Has Lowest Priority

Our new value has a lower priority than any other value in the Priority Queue, and thus must be added to the rear of the Priority Queue.

Value Added to Rear of a Priority Queue
elif value >= self._rear._value:
    node = _PQ_Node(value, None)
    self._rear._next = node
    self._rear = node
    self._count += 1


Again, we know that there is at least one value in the Priority Queue, so we are safe to compare our new value against the value at the rear of the Priority Queue. The new node created becomes the new rear node of the Priority Queue. First, we have to update the _next link of the old rear node, then update the rear node itself.

Case: New Value Goes Elsewhere in the Priority Queue

Clearly we must move through the list either iteratively (looping) or recursively to find where the new node belongs. We will use an iterative algorithm in this example similar to that of the linked traversal discussed earlier.

To write the loop we need to know where the loop starts and when it should stop. We know the loop must start at the front of the list because that is the only link to the list that we have. We will therefore set an initial condition based upon the front of the list:

Initializing curr
curr = self._front


We use the variable name curr (current) for two reasons - first, because it is a commonly used name in dealing with linked data structures, and second because it is a good name to use when referencing the 'current' node in the linked data structure that we are looking at.

There may be other initial conditions, but we will see what they are later. Now let's look at the looping conditions. Experience in working with both array and linked structures tell us that we should stop moving through the list when we reach the end. We can now write:

First Stop Condition
curr = self._front

while curr is not None:


We also know that we need to stop when we reach the correct position in the list. We reach that position when our new value is less than the current value in the list. i.e. we keep looping as long as our new value is greater than or equal to the value in the current node. (We put the 'or equal to' in so that we have a stable insert.) The loop with the comparison now looks like:

Second Stop Condition
curr = self._front

while value >= curr._value:


Now we have to put these two looping conditions together. Does the order matter? Sometimes, no. Here, the order is very important. If curr is None then it cannot have a _value element, and any attempt to reference that element causes the program to die. Thus it is key to check whether curr actually points to a node before we attempt to compare a value in that node. Our loop becomes:

Prioritizing the Stop Conditions
curr = self._front

while curr is not None and value >= curr._value:


To complete the loop we must update the value of curr within the body of the loop or the loop never moves past the first node (if there is one). curr must be updated to point to the next node in the linked data structure. The next node is pointed to by curr's _next attribute:

Incrementing curr
curr = self._front

while curr is not None and value >= curr._value:
    curr = curr._next


Inserting the New Node

The loop got us to the point that our curr link references the node containing the value that should follow our new value. We can now create our new node:

Inserting the New Node

Creating the New Node
node = _PQ_Node(value, curr)


So far, so good, but now we have a problem - we cannot connect the node that contains the value 5 to the new node because we have lost track of where that previous node is. We need an extra variable in our loop to keep track of this previous node - a good (and obvious!) name for this previous node is prev. It must be initialized before the loop start. We initialize it to None because there is no node previous to the front of the linked data structure. Because it is designed to keep track of the node we just looked at, prev should be updated to the old value of curr on each execution of the loop. Thus:

Adding prev to the Loop
prev = None
curr = self._front

while curr is not None and value >= curr._value:
    prev = curr
    curr = curr._next


This not only gets us to the correct spot in the list, but it allows us to update both links to the new node. The following code updates these links:

Updating Node Links
prev = None
curr = self._front

while curr is not None and value >= curr._value:
    prev = curr
    curr = curr._next

node = _PQ_Node(value, curr)
prev._next = node
self._count += 1


Why not use a for loop or a loop condition based upon the size of the linked data structure to loop through the nodes? After all, _count tells us how many nodes are in the linked data structure.

Strictly speaking, this loop does not need the case curr is not None, because we've already dealt with the case where our new value is added to the end of the list. The loop therefore should never reach None.

Note that the Priority Queue count is updated under every condition, so let's move that outside of the condition structure altogether.

In the end we have the following method:

The Final insert Method
    def insert(self, value):
        A copy of value is inserted into the Priority Queue.
        Values are stored in priority order.
        Use: pq.insert(value)
            value - a data element (?)
        if self._front is None:
            # Priority Queue is empty
            node = _PQ_Node(value, None)
            self._front = node
            self._rear = node
        elif value < self._front._value:
            # New value has highest priority
            node = _PQ_Node(value, self._front)
            self._front = node
        elif value >= self._rear._value:
            # New values has lowest priority
            node = _PQ_Node(value, None)
            self._rear._next = node
            self._rear = node
            # Find the proper position for value.
            prev = None
            curr = self._front

            while value >= curr._value:
                prev = curr
                curr = curr._next

            # Create the new node and link it to curr.
            node = _PQ_Node(value, curr)
            # The previous node is linked to the new node.
            prev._next = node
        # Increment the Priority Queue size.
        self._count += 1


A similar, build the method piece-by-piece approach, can be used for any method for any of our data structures.

The Priority Queue remove

Implementing the remove method is left to you as an exercise.


In this Lesson, we introduced the linked Priority Queue data structure and went into great detail of the thinking that goes into doing a sorted insertion into a linked data structure.


  1. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Mark Allen Weiss. 2006.