CP216: Lab 09 - Winter 2025 - Interrupt

Due 11:59 PM, Saturday, April 6, 2024

The CPUlator: https://cpulator.01xz.net/?sys=arm-de1soc.


ARM Interrupt in General

Interruption mechanism is a fundamental technique in microprocessors. It can be briefly described as a diagram in Figure 1.

Interrupt Overview
interrupt in general

ARM GIC Overview

ARM Generic Interrupt Controller (GIC) is a common interrupt controller programming interface between ARM CPU and peripheral devices, and it is applicable to uniprocessor or multiprocessor systems. A device that implements GIC architecture can manage interrupts from internal or external peripheral devices. Figure 2 shows that GIC uses interrupt IDs to inform ARM CPUs. Some commonly used interrupt IDs are listed in Table 1.

General Interrupt Controller (GIC) and ARM CPUs

The Interrupt ID of Peripherals
I/O Peripheral Interrupt ID Address
Interval timer 1 72 0xff202000
Interval timer 2 74 0xff202020
JTAG UART 80 0xff201000
Push buttons 73 0xff200050

The Configuration of GIC

From Figure 2, you can realize that GIC configurations need to setup the interrupt ID and let ARM CPU know the interrupt source. GIC can handle total 255 interrupts from I/O peripherals. Some of the I/O peripherals are listed in Table 1.

The configuration of GIC contains two portions: (1) configure Interrupt Set-Enable Registers (ICDISERn); (2) configure Interrupt Processor Targets Register (ICDIPTRn). It is not necessary to program GIC registers in this lab. In CPUlator, when you set the interrupt ID correctly, the interrupt ID will be observed from GIC panel while your code is executing. Please refer to the Figure 3 for reference.

An Interrupt ID in CPULator's ARM GIC

The memory address of I/O Peripherals

I/O Peripheral addresses are pre-defined. Some of them are shown in Table 1. Those address values can also be observed from CPULator’s GUI.

In this lab, we will use one of ARM’s interval times and UART JTAG to practice how ARM GIC works. If you complete the tasks correctly, each time when the Interval Timer times out, the panel of UART JATG displays the word “Timeout” followed by an “Enter” character (0x0A) (Figure 1). The Interval Timer times out every two seconds.

Timeout on UART JTAG in CPULator
Timeout” in UART JTAG panel

For better understanding this lab, you need to know the information of the interval timer and UART JTAG.

ARM interval timer

The timer is a peripheral that allows the user to measure real-time as a number of clock cycles. The detail information of the timers is shown in Figure 5.

Timer Information
Device Timer
Configuration 6 32-bit mapped registers (only lower 16 bits used)
Input/Output Both
Address Base Timer 1: OxFF202000
Timer 2: OxFF202020
Address Map Address R/W Description
base R/W Status Register bits:
1 - Run (1 if timer is running)
0 - Timeout (1 if timer has timed out - write 0 to this address to clear)
base+4 R/W Control Register bits:
3 - stop (write 1 to stop timer)
2 - start (write 1 to start timer)
1 - continue (if this bit is 1, timer will restart and continue when it times out, otherwise it will just reload the timeout period, but not start)
0 - interrupt enable for timeouts
base+8 R/W Period low - lower 16 bits of Timeout period
base+12 R/W Period high - upper 16 bits of Timeout period
base+16 R/W Counter Snapshot (lower 16 bits)
base+20 R/W Counter Snapshot (upper 16 bits)
Initialization None (though a period must be written before running the time, or it will immediately timeout)
Interrupts Triggered On timeout
IRQ Line Timer 1: 0
Timer 2: 2
Enable Bit 0 of Control Register
Acknowledge Read (write) interrupts acknowledged by reading (writing) to the Data register
Hardware Setup None

Note: In this lab, we use Timer 1. The full 32-bit period of the timer is given by the combination of "Periodh" and "Periodl". Both those addresses are only 16-bits, even though they take up 32-bits of the address space. The value of timer has been already set in lab_interrupt.s file.


The information of peripheral UART JTAG is shown in Figure 6.
Note: In Figure 5, the Data Register is used for both sending and receiving data — the type of instruction executed (stw or ldw) determines whether you send or receive. Every time you read from this register an 8-bit data byte is ejected from the receive FIFO, and every time you write to it you insert a byte to the send FIFO. Note that reading the data register word will obtain the "Number of Bytes available" in bits [31:16], data valid [15], and will also read the data in bits [7:0] and eject another byte (if any) from the queue. The "Number of Bytes available" returns the utilization of the queue before the current read operation.

Peripheral UART JTAG
Input/Output Both
Address Base OxFF201000
Address Map Address R/W Description
base R/W Data Register bits:
31:16 - Number of characters available to read
15 - read data is valid
7:0 - the data itself
base+4 R/W Control Register bits:
31:16 - Spaces available for writing
10 - AC (has value of 1 if JTAG UART has been accessed by host, cleared by writing 1 to it)
9 - Write interrupt is pending
8 - Read interrupts is pending
1 - Enable write interrupts
0 - Enable read interrupts
Initialization None
Interrupts Triggered On data-received or able to send (see below)
IRQ Line 8
Enable Set bit 1 and/or 0 in the Control Register for write and read interrupts respectively
Acknowledge Read (write) interrupts acknowledged by reading (writing) to the Data register
Software Setup The Monitor Program creates a terminal window automatically, that can be used to send characters to the UART and receive the output from the JTAG UART

Lab Tasks

You need to download the assembly file named l09.s first. Before you start, go through the assembly file l09.s and pay particular attention to the following items:

Then please complete the following tasks:

  1. Determine the initial value to be loaded to the Counter Start Value registers required to generate a time delay of 2s.

  2. Complete the TIMER_SETTING subroutine. In this subroutine, you should load the value determined in Task 1 to the Counter Start Value registers, initialize T0, start the timer and enable the interrupt.

  3. Complete the INTER_TIMER_ISR subroutine (Interrupt Service Routine). In this subroutine, you should write the word “Timeout” followed by an Enter character (0x0A) to UART JTAG and reset the T0 bit of the interval timer.

Zip your files together in zip file named login_l09.zip (using your Laurier login, of course) and submit that zip file to the MLS dropbox.