CP363: The Connector/Python Cursor

SQL statements are executed by, and results returned from, the Connector/Python connection cursor. The cursor provides a number of methods to access the data and metadata of an executed SQL statement. They are:

The execute Method

The cursor execute method takes a SQL statement as a parameter and attempts to execute it against its database connection. If successful, the cursor provides access to the resulting data and metadata; if unsuccessful it raises exceptions or errors as appropriate. The syntax for a simple SQL statement (i.e. one with no parameters), is:

cursor_variable.execute(SQL statement)

From a previous example:

    # Connect to the DCRIS database with an option file
    conn = Connect("dcris.txt")
    # Get the connection cursor object
    cursor = conn.cursor
    # Define a SQL query
    sql = "SELECT * FROM broad"
    # Execute the query from the connection cursor
    # Print the column names from the query result
    # Get and print the contents of the query results (raw results)
    rows = cursor.fetchall()
    print(f"Row count: {cursor.rowcount}")

    for row in rows:
    # Close the Connect object
except Exception as e:


Access to the data and metadata is explained below.

Parameter Binding

For statements with parameters, parameters are bound to the executed statement with a Python dictionary. SQL statements must include a %(key)s placeholder for each parameter. When processed, the placeholder is replaced by the dictionary value whose key matches the placeholder name. The order in which the key:value pairs appear in the dictionary is irrelevant. Example:

# Define a SQL query
sql = "SELECT * FROM broad WHERE broadId = %(broadId)s"
params = {'broadId': 7}
# Execute the query from the cursor with parameter data
cursor.execute(sql, params)


In this example, %(id)s is the placeholder, and is replaced by the integer 7, which is the value assigned to the dictionary key id.

The s in %(key)s is not significant - i.e. it does not imply a string value. It is just part of the Python placeholder syntax for any type and number of values. Never surround it with single quotes.

Although in these example the key name happen to match the field name (ex: broadId), it is not necessary, but it does make the code more readable.

The following example has two parameters to the SQL statement:

sql = "SELECT * FROM pub WHERE pubPubType = %(pubType)s AND pubMemberId = %(memberId)s"
params = {'pubType': 'p', 'memberId': 35}
cursor.execute(sql, params)


In this example the parameters are of mixed data types, string and integer. No matter what the data types are, the placeholder is always %(key)s. Do not put single quotes around the placeholder for string parameters. The connector library provides those when the parameter values are bound to the statement.

When using one of the SQL wildcard characters (_ or %), the wildcard character must be part of the parameter data. The % character in the %(key)s placeholder is not a wildcard character, it is a placeholder identifier, as in this example:

sql = "SELECT * FROM member WHERE memberSurname LIKE %(surname)s"
params = {'surname': 'G%'}
cursor.execute(sql, params)


This SQL statement looks for all members whose surnames start with the letter "G". The wildcard is part of the 'G%' value.

Of course, parameter values may be variables:

sql = "SELECT * FROM member WHERE memberSurname LIKE %(surname)s"

for letter in ("ABC"):
    params = {'surname': f"{letter}%"}
    cursor.execute(sql, params)


This example uses the standard Python f-string syntax f"{letter}%" to generate the values "A%", "B%", and "E%" in the loop, and pass them to the SQL statement when executed.

Parameter binding is also used for INSERT and UPDATE statements as in this example:

sql = """INSERT INTO pub
(pubMemberId, pubPubType, pubTitle, pubAuthors, ...)
(%(memberId)s, %(typeId)s, %(title)s, %(authors)s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"""
params = {'memberId': 35, 'typeId': 'p', 'title': ... }
cursor.execute(sql, params)


Parameters and placeholders can only be used for values - they cannot be used in place of column or table names. The following example:

sql = "SELECT %(col1)s, %(col2)s FROM member WHERE memberSurname = 'George'"
params = {'col1': 'memberId', 'col2': 'memberForename'}
cursor.execute(sql, params)


executes without errors, but does not produce the results you expect. (Try it.)

Always use parameter binding for values, never use string replacement like this:

var = 'G%'
sql = f"SELECT * FROM member WHERE memberSurname LIKE '{var}'"


as this leaves the database open to security breaches such as SQL Injection (discussed elsewhere in the course notes).

And you will lose marks on assignments if you do not use parameter binding.

The fetchall Method

The simplest way to extract all of the results from a cursor execute result set is dump all of the data into a list of tuples using fetchall. This may cause problems if the result set is significantly large - the computer may not have enough memory - however this should not be an issue for this course. (An alternative is to extract the data one row at a time from the cursor using the fetchone method.) The following code:

sql = "select * from broad"
rows = cursor.fetchall()

for row in rows:



[(7, 'Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Studies'), (13, 'Civil-Military Relations'), ...]
(7, 'Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Studies')
(13, 'Civil-Military Relations')
(16, 'Weapons Systems')

Note that you cannot execute a second SQL statement on a cursor if the first one still has results left. Attempting to do something like this:

sql = "select * from broad"
sql = "select * from member"

throws the following error from the second call to execute:

mysql.connector.errors.InternalError: Unread result found

The statement Attribute

The cursor statement attribute contains the actual SQL statement sent to the database by the cursor, i.e. all placeholders are replaced by the bound parameter values. In this example:

pubType = "p"
memberId = 35
sql = "SELECT * FROM pub WHERE pubPubType = %(pubType)s AND pubMemberId = %(memberId)s"
params = {'pubType': pubType, 'memberId': memberId}
cursor.execute(sql, params)

the SQL statement printed is:

SELECT * FROM pub WHERE pubPubType = 'p' AND pubMemberId = 35

Note the single quotes for 'p' and the lack of quotes around the 35. The parameter binding mechanism automatically understands the data types of the values it is passed.

This is a very useful attribute for debugging as you can see the actual SQL statement sent to the server.

The column_names Attribute

The cursor column_names attribute is tuple containing the column names of the result set returned by the execute method. In this example:

sql = "SELECT * FROM broad"

the tuple of column names printed is:

('broadId', 'broadDesc')

If renaming is used, then the alias is provided. In the example:

sql = "SELECT CONCAT(last_name, ', ', first_name) AS name FROM member"

the tuple of column names printed is:


The description Attribute

The cursor description attribute provides metadata about the columns of the result set returned by the execute method. descriptions is a tuple of column tuples. The values for each column tuple are:

(column_name, type, None, None, None, None, null_ok, column_flags)

(Obviously only the first two and last two are of interest.)

In order to do something useful with these values, we need to access the library's FieldType and FieldFlag attributes, as they give translate the type and column_flats elements into human readable form.

The following code gives an example of how to work with the descriptions attribute:

# Required imports
from mysql.connector import FieldFlag, FieldType

sql = "select * from broad"

for desc in cursor.description:
    print(f"Column: {desc[0]}")
    # Convert type code using 'get_info'
    print(f"  Type: {FieldType.get_info(desc[1])}")
    # Convert 0/1 into boolean with 'bool'
    print(f"  Null OK: {bool(desc[6])}")
    # Convert flag code with 'get_bit_info'
    print(f"  Flags: {FieldFlag.get_bit_info(desc[7])}")


This produces the output:

Column: broadId
  Type: TINY
  Null OK: False
Column: broadDesc
  Null OK: False
  Flags: ['NOT_NULL', 'UNIQUE_KEY', 'NUM', 'GROUP']

Thus the field broadId is an auto-incremented tinyint primary key that cannot be NULL. broadDesc is a varchar field that must have a unique value within the table and cannot be NULL. (We will ignore the other fields for now.)

Unfortunately, descriptions does not contain the field width. This can either be deduced from the data, or extracted from the information_schema tables for this schema.

The rowcount Attribute

The rowcount attribute contains the number of rows returned after calling the fetchall method, as in this example:

    rows = cursor.fetchall()
    print(f"Row count: {cursor.rowcount}")

Note that the same result could be extracted by getting the length of the rows variable:

    rows = cursor.fetchall()
    print(f"Row count: {len(rows)}")