The DCRIS Database


The Directory of Canadian Researchers in International Security (DCRIS) was sponsored by the Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies (MSDS), now the Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada (LCSC). From the MSDS website (no longer online):

The purpose of the Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies is to foster research, teaching, and public discussion of military and strategic issues of national and international significance. The Centre was founded in 1991 with support from the Military and Strategic Studies programme (now the Security and Defence Forum) of Canada's Department of National Defence.

NOTE: The official DCRIS website was retired in 2007 due to funding cutbacks.

The Website

The DCRIS public website (DCRIS Home Page) allows users to call up lists of researchers, along with their publications and various expertises. The website allows researchers (and anyone else interested) to communicate with others who share the same interests in international security or military history. The site is open to the public. A second DCRIS website is for administrative users only and allows the MSDS staff to update the DCRIS database remotely. The websites' current incarnations were implemented by David Brown in 1999, and are updated as software and techniques change.

A typical Directory entry contains information about a member: their name, institutional affiliation, telephone number, fax number, and email address. Each member has areas of broad expertise in military and security issues: these are listed as a member's keywords. members also have other areas of narrow expertise: these are called Supplementary keywords and are organized by topic into Lists. Lastly, members may have pubs related to military and security topics. This is a typical Directory entry.


Institution: Wilfrid Laurier University
Address: Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies
Wilfrid Laurier University
Waterloo ON N2L 3C5
Telephone: (519) 884-1970 x4208
Fax: (519) 886-5057

keywords (Areas of Broad Expertise)

  • Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Studies
  • Peacekeeping/Peace Implementation
  • Strategic Studies

Lists (Areas of Narrow Expertise)

  • Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Studies
  • Confidence Building Measures
  • Monitoring, Verification, Compliance, Detection, and Enforcement
  • Quantitative Analyses
  • Geographic Focus
  • Global or General
  • Peacekeeping and Peace Implementation
  • Modern Peacekeeping
  • Strategic Studies
  • Approaches to Peacekeeping
  • Arms Control and Disarmament
  • Theoretical Aspects
  • Weapons Proliferation
  • Weapons Systems
  • Conventional - General
  • Nuclear - General
  • Nuclear - Safeguards


  • Rudolf Avenhaus, Morton Canty, D. Marc Kilgour, Bernhard von Stengel, and Shmuel Zamir, "Inspection Games in Arms Control." European Journal of Operational Research, 90, 3, 1996
  • Kilgour, D. Marc, Liping Fang, David Last, Keith W. Hipel, and Xiaoyong Peng, Peace Support, GMCR II, and Bosnia, Analysis for Peace Operations, Canadian Peacekeeping Press, 1998
  • Frank C. Zagare and D . Marc Kilgour, Perfect Deterrence, Cambridge University Press, 2000

The DCRIS public website itself is not particularly complex. In fact, a user sees only eight different pages. However, the data pages are dynamically generated and the data displayed depends on the contents of the DCRIS database and on the search criteria entered by the user. Thus the web site is always up to date and flexible in terms of the DCRIS data displayed.

Use Cases

The DCRIS use case diagram shows the functionality the DCRIS public website offers: to display all members of the Directory, or to enter search criteria based upon a member's name, institution, or expertise.


As noted in the use cases, the DCRIS public website allows any user to look up DCRIS members either by their name, institution, or expertise, as well as getting a complete list of all members. You may use the site at the DCRIS Home Page.

The Database

The DCRIS database class diagram shows the structure of the database containing the member information. Database tables are represented using class diagrams (with the stereotype «table»). Columns are given as attributes. Links between tables are given as foreign key dependencies. SQL procedures and functions could have been represented as operations, but have been left out for simplicity's sake. The database operations used by the DCRIS website appear in the DCRIS web site class diagrams.

DCRIS Database UML