The whole point of a database is to be able extract data from it. SQL's
statement is the workhorse of the language. The
following is the syntax and some example code.
statement retrieves data from the database.
SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] expression [ [ AS ] alias-name ] | *
...[ FROM table-list ]
...[ WHERE search-condition ]
...[ GROUP BY column-name, ... ]
...[ HAVING search-condition ]
...[ ORDER BY { expression | integer } [ ASC | DESC ], ... ]
SELECT * FROM member
Selects all values from member.
SELECT memberSurname, memberForename FROM member
ORDER BY memberSurname, memberForename
Selects the members last and first name attributes for all tuples in member, and displays them in order by first name within last name.
SELECT memberSurname, memberForename FROM member
WHERE memberSurname = 'Copp'
Selects the members last and first name attributes for all tuples in member where the member's last name is 'Copp'.
SELECT memberSurname, memberForename, memberAddress FROM member
WHERE memberSurname LIKE 'C%'
ORDER BY memberSurname, memberForename
Selects the members last and first name attributes and address attribute for all tuples in member where the member's last name begins with a 'C'.
SELECT dateBorrowed, COUNT(dateBorrowed)
FROM borrowed
WHERE dateBorrowed >= '2024-01-01'
GROUP BY dateBorrowed
HAVING COUNT(dateBorrowed) > 100
ORDER BY dateBorrowed
Lists the dates and number of books borrowed on those dates for dates
after January 1st, 2024, where the number of books borrowed on that
date was more than 100. The WHERE
clause selects
individual tuples, while the HAVING
clause selects tuples
according to their aggregate values of particular attributes. The GROUP
clause provides the aggregation. The COUNT
determines how many tuples are in each group.
SELECT DISTINCT dateBorrowed FROM borrowed
Generates a list of unique dates when books were borrowed. No matter
how many times a particular date appears in borrowed,
it appears only once in the output list due to the DISTINCT
keyword. (This can significantly slow a selection down).