Physics & Computer Science

CP363: Database I - Fall 2024

(Section B)

Course schedule, methodology, assessments, lab attendance and exam policies have been planned based on current public health guidelines. Should these guidelines change, adjustments will be communicated to students.

Instructor Information

Mr David Brown -
By Appointment

Course Information

Introduction to database systems. Topics include data models, query languages, database design, recovery and concurrency, integrity and security.

3 lecture hours
Credit: 0.50
Prerequisite: CP164 (or CP114)

Section Campus Days Times Room Instructor
A Waterloo MWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM N1002 Dr. Ilias Kotsireas
B Waterloo MWF 09:30 AM - 10:20 AM 2-106 Mr. David Brown

Course Overview and Approach

Course Tools and Learning Materials


Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7th Edition Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe
ISBN-10: 0133970779
ISBN-13: 9780133970777

(Available as an electronic resource)

Student Evaluation

You are required to pass the final exam in order to pass the course.

The Department of Physics & Computer Science requires that students must write the final exam in person on the Waterloo campus, or, for online courses, at a proctored location in Canada.

If you pass the final exam, the following evaluation is applied:

Assessment Weighting
Assignments 30%
Tests 30%
Final Exam 40%

No tests or assignments are dropped from the course evaluation.


Note: this schedule is subject to change. All times are based upon Eastern Standard Time - i.e. Waterloo, ON time.

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