Carsten Schneider (RISC, Johannes Kepler University Linz)
Eugene Zima (WLU, Waterloo, Canada)
The purpose of this session is to reflect on recent progress in the area of symbolic summation and symbolic integration, and their applications in combinatorics, number theory, particle physics, etc. It is also to highlight the current state of the art in both - complexity analysis of summation and integration algorithms, and improvements in the complexity of aforementioned algorithms. Reports on the research in symbolic solution of difference equations and related fields are also most welcome.
symbolic summation creative telescoping symbolic integration multi-sums and multiple integrals summation of special functions asymptotic behavior of sums exact solutions of first and higher order recurrences solutions of recurrences by means of generating functions Galois theory of difference equations complexity of symbolic algorithms
Submissions should be sent to the session organizers following the ACA 2020 guidelines.
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