Welcome to our "Computer Graphics Park". It is intended for demonstrating student's work in computer graphics course. We call it Computer Graphics Park (CGP) because we hope the programs giving here can serve as the simplest graphics "toy" to play with by ourselves and maybe others.
Acknowledgement: credits and thanks go to all contributors of CP411 classes.
Ray tracing artwork by 2012 class. All the graphics images are created by POV-Ray
The Square & Circle (S&C) artwork by 2012 class, stay simple & stay naive.
All the graphics images are created by each author's self-created simple drawing program.
Selected final projects of 2011 class.
Each project uses authors' self-built 3D graphic viewing system.
1. car on grass, Chris and Mark
2. space shooting game, David
3. QBICZU, Andrean and Chris
4. Sonar, Theodore
5. Golf, Jeff and Adam
6. Spiderman, Eric and Tuan
7. Shooting game, Gab and Glenn
8. Hockey NFL13, Frank Ruta & Cody Clayton
9. 2D graphics engine, video demo, Jake
10. On road, Bradley, Tu Nguyen and Goran
Ray tracing artwork by 2011 class. All the graphics images are created by POV-Ray
The Square & Circle (S&C)
artwork by 2011 class. All the graphics images are created by each author's self-created
simple drawing program.
Selected final project (class 2009)
Swarm (by Brian)
Rubiks cube (by Kay-Sea & Jason)
Tank destroyer (by Tyler & Phillip)
3D sound visualizer (by Andrew and Jordan)
Helicopter (by Nathen and Mohammed)
Solar Breeze (by Mickeal and Devon)
Virtual dominoes (by Justin)
Simple gambling game (by Yepang Liu)
Ray tracing artwork by class 2009. All
the graphics images are created by POV-Ray.
The Square & Circle (S&C) artwork by
2009 class. All the graphics images are created by each author's
self-created simple drawing program.
The Graphics Platform from this course can be used in Artificial Intelligent (AI) course. Here is an example of AI project by Chris, Joe and Claudia Checker. In this game, the layer (the blue) plays with the AI agent (yellow).
WLU Computer Graphics 2008 class work show
Project demos
A screen saver, by Russell. Save the .exe file to a file with extension .scr and place it in the C:\WINDOWS\system32 directory. Then you will able to chose the screen saver from the screen saver window list.
Beer pong, use the space key to shot the ball.
3D Polyhedron Mine-Sweeper (mpg file), by Gaojian
Ray tracing artwork by class 2008. All
the graphics images are created by POV-Ray.
WLU Computer Graphics 2007, class work show
Labyrinth game (wmv demo) ___ Joe and Chris
Fury tanks ___ Jeff and Kevin: use A, W, S, D to control the movement of the tank, I, J, K, L to control the movement of gun and tower, right mouse click to shot.
Ultimate Roller Coaster (avi demo) ___ Alex and Greg.
The art of square and circle: bitmap image
created by home-brew drawing program.
Ray tracing artwork by class 2007. All the graphics images are created by POV-Ray.
Zone 1. Simple draw. When I was a little boy, I was fascinated in drawing lines, squares, and circles. However, I was never satisfied by my drawing. Now, I am satisfied with drawing these shapes by computers.
Kevin Chen's Simple Draw including both menu and glui interfaces, SVG file I/O, self-defined vector file I/O,bitmap output. and many other features.
Dmitri's Colorful Simple Draw.
Ray's Simple Draw. Instruction: right click shows the selection menu.
Andrey's Simple Draw. Instruction: right click shows the selection menu.
Zone 2. Object viewing. I wondered how a cube looks like when it turns around. I wondered how a cube looks like if I look at it from inside. I wondered many other beautiful polyhedrons.
polyhedron. Instruction: right click shows the selection menu.
Colored cube. Instruction: right click shows the selection menu.
Cube with light Instruction: right click shows the selection menu.
Zone 3. Solar system (provided by Karim and Rahman). Download the zip file and unzip it and run solar_system.exe file. Instruction: right click shows the selection menu., read user instruction for details.
Zone 4. Erik &
Ryan's future city (provided by Erik & Ryan). Download the zip file and
unzip it and run the Finalcity.exe file.
Instruction: Mouse
Change look-at orientation,
use of arrow keys:
Up Move forward,
Down Move
backwards, Left
Turn left,
Right Turn right.
Zone 5. 3-D Tetris (provided by Dimitri).
Rotate Scene: LMouse+Move
Zoom & Rotate Scene: RMouse+Move
New Game: N
Random Lines: 0-9
MoveBlock: Arrows
X Rotate: S & X
Y Rotate: A & Z
Z Rotate: D & C
Drop Down: Space
Cheat Mode: press "P" pause the game and freely move/rotate the Block
Exit: ESC
Zoon 6. Snakes and Ladders (provided By Victoria and Scott)
Zone 7.
Bouncing balls (provided Andrey and Flavius)
Instruction: Moving in Bouncy Ball is simple
and intuitive. To move forward (relative to where you
are looking), push the “w” key. To move back, push the “s” key. To move
left or right without changing the direction you are facing, push the “a”
or “d” key respectively. And to jump, click the right
mouse button.
Zone 8. Rubik's cube (provided Petal and Nausheen) use right click menu to select which face to rotate. Use lift/right arrow keys to rotate a selected face.