Warp up C++ by examples

Author: HBF

date: 2021-06-06

About: Quick start on C++ by examples.

Prerequisite: knowledge and skill on C.

What it contains

C++ (or CPP) is a primary OPP programming language. It is an extension of C with additional OOP features. The following examples demonstrates the OPP features of C++.

How to run

It needs a C++ compiler, e.g. GNU C++ compiler, or MinGW for Windows. We assume Windows OS the following.

  1. Download warm_up_cpp.zip and unzip to a directory, say C:/cpp
  2. Open cmd console, cd to the above directory.
  3. For each program file, open, read, understand, compile, and run.
  4. You can also run Windows batch test.bat, which compiles and runs all the programs.
  5. Run clean.bat to deletes all generated executable files.


  1. C++ tutorial at W3School