When writing and submitting your assignments follow these requirements:
When asked to write a SQL statement you may use any editor you like so long as it stores the statements as plain text. This means you should not use a word processing program such as Microsoft Word. Simple editors such as Notepad or TextEdit, or a Eclipse code editor are fine.
There should be no errors or warnings in your code. SQL code that doesn't run doesn't get graded.
Put all your programs, testing, and discussion files into one zip file.
Follow the assignment instructions to the letter (e.g. name the various files t01.txt, t02.txt, etc.), as this assignment is auto-graded. If your SQL code files are not named correctly the auto-grading fails, and your assignment will be given a mark of 0.
These tasks use the DCRIS database. You may test your SQL code either through your own DBMS connection, or with the SQL Practice page.
These tasks are written for the most part in English and must be
translated into SQL. You may have to look at the DCRIS data to determine
which ID numbers to use, if appropriate, and which columns to sort on.
Requests to have rows "sorted by x then y", means to
write the ORDER BY
Assignment 1 dealt with single tables and views, Assignment 2 deals with joined tables and aggregation. You may not work with views - you must provide the appropriate joins.
) around text. Do not use double
quote ("..."
at all.
") at all.
syntax, not alternatives
such as USING
Some explanations:
Write a single SQL statement that:
selects the full member name, the full publication type, and the publication title for all members, sorted by the full member name, then the full publication type, then the publication title. Save the statement as .
selects the full member name, the full publication type, and the publication title for members associated with Laurier, sorted by the full member name. Save the statement as .
selects the full member name and the publication title for conference papers with the word 'Nuclear' in the title, sorted by the publication title. Save the statement as .
selects the publication title and the full publication type for William Bain, sorted by the publication title. Save the statement as .
selects the full member name and the number of publications for each member, sorted by the full member name. (Hint: some members have no publications, but we still want the count for them). Save the statement as .
selects the full member name and the number of books for each member, sorted by the full member name. (Hint: some members have no books, but we still want the count for them). Save the statement as .
selects the full publication type and the number of publications for each type, sorted by the full publication type. Save the statement as .
selects the full member name and the number of broad expertises for each member, sorted by the full member name. Save the statement as .
selects the broad expertise descriptions and the number of members who have that expertise, sorted by the expertise description. Save the statement as .
selects the full member name and the number of narrow expertises for each member, sorted by the full member name. Save the statement as .
selects the narrow expertise descriptions and the number of members who have that expertise, sorted by the expertise description. Save the statement as .
selects the member full name, the member's narrow expertises, and the broad expertise that the narrow expertises belong to, sorted by the full member name then the narrow expertise description. Save the statement as .