CP363: Assignment 3 - Fall 2022

Due 11:00 PM, Monday, March 13, 2023

General Assignment Notes

When writing and submitting your assignments follow these requirements:

Marks will be deducted from any questions where these requirements are not met.


Follow the assignment instructions to the letter (e.g. name the function module functions.py), as this assignment is auto-graded. If your Eclipse project is not defined correctly, the auto-grading fails, and your assignment will be given a mark of 0.


Pages of use for this assignment:

These questions use the DCRIS database.

These functions return lists of tuples containing the results of the various database calls. How you display these results is up to you. Do not call print from within the functions. Do not close the database from within the functions. It is the responsibility of whatever opens the database to close the database.

Assignment 1 dealt with single tables and views, Assignment 2 deals with joined tables and aggregation. This assignment deals with subqueries. You may use the DCRIS views.

We suggest you use Pythons triple quotes to make long SQL statements more readable:

sql = """SELECT ...
FROM ...
JOIN ...
ON ...
ORDER BY ..."""

  1. Write and test the following function:

    def get_all_pub_counts(cursor, memberId=None):
        Queries the pub and member tables.
        Use: rows = pub_counts(cursor)
        Use: rows = pub_counts(cursor, memberId=v1)
            cursor - a database cursor (cursor)
            memberId - a member ID (int)
            rows - (list of member's last name, a member's first
                name, and the numbers of publications of each type data.
                Name these three fields "articles", "papers", and "books")
                if memberId is not None:
                    rows containing memberId
                    all member and publication rows
                Sorted by last name, first name

    Add this function to the PyDev module functions.py. Test it from t01.py.


    memberSurname memberForename articles papers books
    Bedeski Robert 1 2 0

    (Do not return the headers.)

  2. Write and test the following function:

    def get_expertise_counts(cursor, memberId=None):
        Use: rows = get_expertise_counts(cursor)
        Use: rows = get_expertise_counts(cursor, memberId=v1)
            cursor - a database cursor (cursor)
            memberId - a member ID number (int)
            rows - (list of member's last name, a member's first
                name, and the number of broad and narrow expertises
                for the member data. Name these fields "broadCount" and "narrowCount")
                if memberId is not None:
                    rows containing memberId
                    all member, broad, and narrow expertise rows
                Sorted by last name, first name

    Add this function to the PyDev module functions.py. Test it from t02.py.


    memberSurname memberForename broadCount narrowCount
    Bedeski Robert 6 5

    (Do not return the headers.)

  3. Write and test the following function:

    def get_broad_counts(cursor, broadId=None):
        Use: rows = get_broad_counts(cursor)
        Use: rows = get_broad_counts(cursor, broadId=v1)
            cursor - a database cursor (cursor)
            broadId - a keyword ID number (int)
            rows - (list of a broad expertise descriptions and the number of
                narrow expertises that belong to it data. Name the
                second field "narrowCount".)
                if broadId is not None:
                    rows containing broadId
                    all broad and narrow rows
                Sorted by broad expertise description

    Add this function to the PyDev module functions.py. Test it from t03.py.


    broadDesc narrowCount
    Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Studies 25

    (Do not return the headers.)

  4. Write and test the following function:

    def get_broad_member_counts(cursor, broadId=None):
        Use: rows = get_broad_memberCounts(cursor)
        Use: rows = get_broad_memberCounts(cursor, broadId=v1)
            cursor - a database cursor (cursor)
            broadId - a keyword ID number (int)
            rows - (list of a keyword description and the number of members
                that have it data. Name the second field "memberCount".)
                if broadId is not None:
                    rows containing broadId
                    all member and keyword rows
                Sorted by keyword description

    Add this function to the PyDev module functions.py. Test it from t04.py.


    broadDesc memberCount
    Civil-Military Relations 15

    (Do not return the headers.)

  5. Write and test the following function:

    def get_narrow_member_counts(cursor, narrowId=None):
        Use: rows = get_narrow_memberCounts(cursor)
        Use: rows = get_narrow_memberCounts(cursor, narrowId=v1)
            cursor - a database cursor (cursor)
            narrowId - a supp_key ID number (int)
            rows - (list of a broad expertise description, a narrow
                expertise description, and the number of members that have that
                narrow expertise data. Name the last field "memberCount".)
                if narrowId is not None:
                    rows containing narrowId
                    all member, broad, and narrow expertises rows
                Sorted by broad description, narrow description

    Add this function to the PyDev module functions.py. Test it from t05.py.


    broadDesc narrowDesc memberCount
    Military History First World War 12

    (Do not return the headers.)