CP363: Assignment 03 - Fall 2024

Due 10:30 AM, Saturday, November 2, 2024

General Assignment Notes

When writing and submitting your assignments follow these requirements:


Follow the assignment instructions to the letter (e.g. name the various files t01.txt, t02.txt, etc.), as this assignment is auto-graded. If your SQL code files are not named correctly the auto-grading fails, and your assignment will be given a mark of 0.

These tasks use the DCRIS database. You may test your SQL code either through your own DBMS connection, or with the SQL Practice page.

These tasks are written for the most part in English and must be translated into SQL. You may have to look at the DCRIS data to determine which ID numbers to use, if appropriate, and which columns to sort on. Requests to have rows "sorted by x then y", means to write the ORDER BY as ORDER BY X, Y.

Assignment 1 dealt with single tables and views, Assignment 2 dealt with joined tables and aggregation. This assignment deals with subqueries. You may use the DCRIS views.


The Tasks

Some explanations:

Write a single SQL statement that:

  1. selects the full member name and the numbers of publications for each member of each publication type. Name publication type fields books, articles, and papers. Sort the results by the full member name. Save the statement as .

    This is an example of a subset of the results:

    memberSurname memberForename books articles papers
    Bain William 4 2 0
  2. selects the full member name and the the number of broad and narrow expertises for each member. Name these expertise count fields broadCount and narrowCount. Sort the results by the full member name. Save the statement as .

    This is an example of a subset of the results:

    memberSurname memberForename broadCount narrowCount
    Bedeski Robert 6 5

  3. selects the full member name and narrow expertise descriptions for members who have a narrow expertise in the Environmental Security broad category, but who have not declared that they have a broad expertise in the Environmental Security. Sort the results by the full member name. Save the statement as .

    There are members who have a certain narrow expertise but who have not declared that they have the matching broad expertise. For example, Alistair D. Edgar has a narrow expertise in the Second World War, but does not claim to have a broad expertise in Military History, which is the category that Second World War belongs to.

  4. selects the full member name and broad expertise descriptions for members who do not have publications. Sort the results by the full member name and then broad expertise description. Save the statement as .

  5. selects the full member name and publication count for all members with four or more publications. Name the publication count pubCount. Sort the results by the full member name. Save the statement as .

    You must do this with a subquery and not with the HAVING clause.

  6. selects the narrow expertise descriptions of all narrow expertises that are not held by any member. Sort the results by the narrow expertise description. Save the statement as .

  7. selects the broad expertise descriptions of all broad expertises that are not held by any member. Sort the results by the broad expertise description. Save the statement as .

  8. selects the full member name and broad expertise count for all members with eight or more broad expertises. Name the broad expertise count broadCount. Sort the results by the full member name. Save the statement as .

    You must do this with a subquery and not with the HAVING clause.

  9. selects the full member name and narrow expertise count for all members with thirty or more narrow expertises. Name the narrow expertise count narrowCount. Sort the results by the full member name. Save the statement as .

    You must do this with a subquery and not with the HAVING clause.

  10. selects the broad expertise description for all broad expertises that do not have any associated narrow expertises. Sort the results by the broad expertise description. Save the statement as .