CP213: Java Tools

We use the Java programming language and the Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment). We will provide you with more information about the computing facilities in your first lab.

Java is a programming language that is widely used professionally. Eclipse is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) program. Together with the Java plug-in it eases the task of writing and executing programs written in Java. Eclipse is freely available from the Internet, and we provide instructions for downloading and installing them in the Resources section of this page.

You are responsible for storing all your assignment and lab work on your own floppy disks, memory sticks, or other media. We strongly suggest that you keep at least two copies of your work at all times, for floppy disks and memory sticks can fail, or be lost. You will be given storage on the Novell network for course purposes, but the Department accepts no responsibility for the security of data thus stored and does no backups on that data.


Installing Eclipse
Instructions for installing Eclipse at home.
Using Eclipse / Java
An introduction to creating projects in Eclipse / Java.