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Assignment schedule and links

Task Topic Link Weight Due week Due date
a1 Graphics concepts, C++/Eclipse/OpenGL/GLSL a1 (to be linked) 3% 2 Tuesday, September 17
a2 Simple draw, 2D graphics a2 (to be linked) 10% 4 Tuesday, October 01
a3 3D CG system: transformations a3 (to be linked) 10% 6 Tuesday, October 22
a4 3D CG system: light and shading a4 (to be linked) 10% 8 Tuesday, November 05
a5 3D CG system: curve, surface, GLSL a5 (to be linked) 10% 11 Thursday, November 21
Project proposal CG application of your 2D/3D CG system Project proposal (to be linked) 3% 11 Tuesday, November 26
Project delivery Presentation, demonstration, and submission Project delivery (to be linked) 12% 12 Tuesday, December 03