Home Syllabus Lecture Assignment Example Reference CGPark MyLS

Examples given in this page are from textbook, reference materials, and the instructor. These examples are only used for the teaching of this course.

  1. Development Environment

    C/C++ OpenGL programming is supported by major OS platforms like Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. That means, OpenGL programs are portable cross these platforms. However, in this course, we only support OpenGL program development environment on Windows OS, MinGW (32bit) C/C++ compiler, and OpenGL and freeglut libraries, as well as Eclipse C/C++, VS Code IDEs. You can download the course software from cp411_software.zip, and follow the instructions in the README.txt file to set up the development environment. Note that the MinGW compiler used in CP411 is different from that of CP264. If you use Mac machine, it is recommended to install Windows vitual machine and then the above software.

  2. OpenGL/Glut examples by Mark J. Kilgard

  3. Class examples

  4. Mesh object

  5. Texture mapping examples

  6. GLSL

  7. WebGL

  8. PyOpenGL

  9. Ray tracing

  10. OpenCL -- use GPU to accelerate general purpose computing.